Recently Released Functionality

Data Visualization

This is a search listening tool. It listens in to autocomplete data from search engines like Google, then cranks out every useful phrase and question people are asking related to a specific keyword, all in a very visually unique and appealing way.

CTA: Anyone can try this out here, even without logging in.

Top SEO opportunities

We give you a prioritized list of the top things you can do to fix and improve your website’s SEO. 

  • You can use the thumbs up/down as a feedback mechanism to feed our prioritization algorithm so we can provide you with more of the right kind of opportunities you’re interested in and able to tackle. 
  • You can also mark an opportunity as done so it’s removed from your list.

CTA: You can create a project with a free account to get this list in your project dashboard.

Keyword playbook

Keyword research is hard and time consuming and a lot of people don’t know how to do it well. This guide will help you through the process of identifying unique and profitable keywords to target for your website.

CTA: Go through the Keyword Playbook here.

AI Writer

Tell us the keyword phrase you want to rank for. Our AI rewriting tool will give you some options for blog outlines, page titles, meta descriptions, page headers and the beginnings of the blog content for you.

CTA: Pick a keyword you want to target and get a jumpstart on your next blog with the AI Writer here.

Open Graph Tag Generator

OG Tags are <meta> tags placed in the HTML markup of a page that give you control over how that page is displayed on social media platforms when shared, ultimately helping to drive clicks on your content. Everything from the description on the page to the preview image can be easily managed this way.

CTA: Try out our easy Open Graph Tag Generator tool here to get the code you need to add to a page to make it display properly across social networks when shared.

If you’re interested in finding out about other new features as we release them, you can sign up for our new release emails here.